In this fun and powerful workshop, we'll take an inventory of your life and create a personal plan that feels doable and achievable to support change, growth, and increased fulfillment. 

Lack of balance in life can have profound and adverse effects on mind body spirit and soul. In can show up in relationships, work, finances, and even your physical and spiritual well-being.

Taking an honest inventory of your life can be the first step in inspiring change. Once you are aware of the imbalances that exist, you can create a plan that feels personal and achievable—one that can support a life of harmony, joy, and peace

This workshop is for you if you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or disconnected from your life.

  • It is specifically designed to take an inventory of your life and reveal your truth's in a tangible way. We'll hang out over your life as if in a helicopter and explore the entire landscape, noticing what areas feel green and lush and those that look a little brown and parched. 

  • With this information, you can begin to create a plan that feels achievable, so you can take the right actions to bring more balance and fulfillment to your life. In coaching, we have a saying - that you must first be right where your feet are, in order to move anywhere else. This practice is a way to identify where your feet are, so you can move forward consciously and confidently.

I know that when you are able to practice conscious discernment and self-awareness without judgment (the highest spiritual practice according to Swami Kripalu) you create an awareness that is neither good or bad, right or wrong. Still, it can help to inspire lasting change.

It's time to create awareness, inspire lasting change, and empower yourself to move forward with a plan that will work for you.

Those who have participated in this workshop in the past have gone on to:

  • Create a better life/work balance
  • Attract work that feels authentic and fulfilling 
  • Improve their finances
  • Improve their health
  • Form healthier relationships
  • Discover a like-minded community 
  • Create a healthy boundary with their family
  • Improve their relationships (intimate, family and friends)
  • Discover a path to more authenticity
  • Increase their creativity
  • Experience more fun and joy
  • Clear out energy-draining clutter
  • Improve their living conditions
  • And so much more…

Hi, I’m Izzy!

I'm a life Career and wellness coach who has spent nearly 25 years helping people achieve goals in all areas of their life. 

My career began at a world renowned health and wellness resort and today in addition to being part of the coaching faculty at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, I apply my experience, knowledge and skills to help people transform and improve peoples lives in ways they never imagined possible.

I help people transcend and positively transform their lives in ways they never imagines through One-on-One Coaching, Group Workshops and Corporate Wellness Programs. 

Whether one takes a personal journey or joins a group, I'm here to help you discover who you truly are authentically and design a life that supports that person. 

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